
On this page I’m including a few of my more popular messages in recent years.  If you are interested in having me come to speak at your church or event, please email me at

What You Believe Matters

In this message Pastor Aaron (aka @Tattoopreacher) addresses the common misperceptions regarding faith and resolving that everything that transpires does so as a result of the sovereign will of God.

The Father’s Heart

Identifying with the Father heart of God can often be difficult for people. Especially, when they have had strained or no relationship with their earthly father. In this message, Pastor Aaron Davis, (@TattooPreacher) discusses how we can connect with God as our Father.

Quit Listening To That BS

People are distracted and their destiny derailed by so many voices. In Quit Listening To That BS, Pastor Aaron Davis, (aka @TattooPreacher) discusses how to silence those voices and hear the ONE voice that matters!

Maximizing Your Leadership

Leadership from a biblical perspective looks much different than the example often modeled in the corporate world (or even in the church).  In this message Aaron Davis (aka the Tattooed Preacher / @TattooPreacher addresses how to Maximize Your Leadership and lead God’s way

The Resurrected Life

“Many insist that God does not exist or that He does not perform miracles…Their argument does not move me because i’ve SEEN with my own eyes what they say is impossible” Aaron Davis, The Tattooed Preacher explains how Christ provided so much more than many of us understand! He established the Kingdom of Heaven in the Earth and has given us the ability to live the Resurrected Life!

Declare a Thing

Having a secure foundation is an essential part of battle.  In this sermon, Declare A Thing, Aaron Davis aka The Tattooed Preacher addresses some profound yet foundational aspects of the Word of God that are necessary for any believer desiring to take ground for the Kingdom of God.

Pursuit is Proof of Desire

What do you desire?  What would you like to see in life?  Is there a key to experiencing what you desire?  In this video Aaron addresses the subject of Pursuit and it’s relationship to accomplishing your desires.

The Kingdom of God

In this video, Aaron addresses often misunderstood aspects of Christ’s central message, The Kingdom of God

Born an Original

Many assume that becoming a Christian mandates that they conform to someone else’s image.  That couldn’t be further from the truth.  God created you as an individual on purpose.  Accepting that fact and walking in that individuality is essential to entering the destiny that God has created for you!

What Do You See?!

In a world where perception often determines reception it is essential to clarify the question, What do you see…?!

The Real Modern Family

Aaron Davis, AKA- The Tattooed Preacher, Online Campus pastor at along with Danny and Jillian Chambers addresses the subject of what it means to “be a man” using Aaron’s story of recovery after an attempt on his life in the line of duty. How does a man function when husband/wife rolls are reversed, tragedy happens and pain changes all the cards you were dealt?

The State of the Union

If you were to take the pulse of christianity today, what would be the state of our union?  I believe that we are further than many would give us credit for and you are an essential part of our health as a whole!

How to Walk in Freedom

The Tattoo Preacher – Aaron Davis discusses What does it really mean to “Walk in the Spirit”… Is it possible to walk in freedom from sin…?  What did Jesus actually purchase for us as it pertains to our authority over sin…?  What is Grace and how does it pertain to us…?

A Lesson in Faith

Pastor Aaron Davis (aka The Tattooed Preacher) addresses Faith from a perspective that few may have conveyed in honesty… What do we believe? Why Do we believe it? How does our circumstances affect our reception or progression?

United We Stand

In the days following the George Zimmerman ruling in the Trayvon Martin case many in the church were divided. Social Networks began to blow up with hate-filled comments from opposing positions and the environment was volatile to say the least…even in the church.

In this wake, Author/Pastor Aaron Davis aka The Tattooed Preacher (Quantum Christianity & Love Thy Neighbor), Author/Pastor Adonis Lenzy (Dating in Black & White) and Pastor/Ministry Consultant/Business Consultant Randy Blue addressed walking in unity as the Body of Christ in this powerful and moving sermon – United We Stand

A Strong Woman

Pastor Aaron tells a HILARIOUS mothers day story during a rare “tag team” preaching session w/ Pastor Danny Chambers- Pastor Danny Chambers Pastor Chris Chambers, Isaac Chambers, Pastor Adonis Lenzy, Pastor Aaron Davis (aka TattooPreacher) Tag team preach (7 Min a piece) for Mothers Day – “A Strong Woman”

Understanding Covenant from God’s Perspective

Everyone has a different idea of what a “Covenant” looks like based upon their experiences and what they have been taught.  But what does Covenant look like from God’s perspective and how does HIS perspective change EVERYTHING that we may have previously believed?!  Check out this extremely revealing illustrated sermon, Understanding Covenant from God’s Perspective.

Jesus was a Rockstar!

This is one of Pastor Aaron’s most popular teachings as he speaks on the Lost Years of Jesus.  What happened between the time he was conversing with the priests and when he began his ministry.  Jesus was not just a common man in his day… In modern day terms… Jesus was a ROCKSTAR!