by TattooPreacher | Sep 29, 2010 | Uncategorized
What is Sin Really? “So Tattooed Preacher, What is Sin Really?”…Isn’t it subjective?…Can’t something be sin for one person and not for another?…Can’t sin be based upon where a person “is” spiritually and not...
by TattooPreacher | Sep 29, 2010 | Uncategorized
Walking Through Fire! Tonight I cannot sleep for some reason and feel the need to write a new blog. It has been several months since posting anything that I would consider meaningful that I wrote myself. A major reason that I have not is that I have been healing...
by TattooPreacher | Sep 29, 2010 | Uncategorized
Intro to My Book, Love Thy Neighbor…? Dedication Chapter 1: What Is the Spirit of Religion Chapter 2: Cut Your Hair Chapter 3: Baseball Caps…the Root of All Evil Chapter 4: The Suits Chapter 5: Be Ye Separate Chapter 6: Work Out Your Own...
by TattooPreacher | Sep 29, 2010 | Uncategorized
If This Is All There Is To Life…I’M TICKED!!! Part 1 Many people, Christians included, have had this thought to themselves, whether they want to admit it or not… You see, there is a movement even in the Christian church where people have begun to say that the...
by TattooPreacher | Sep 29, 2010 | Uncategorized
If this is all there is to life…I’M TICKED!!! Part 2 I believe that the major reason that we do not receive from God as much as he intends for us is that there are things in the way blocking or preventing the reception of God’s blessing for our lives. ...